Gold Blue Algue 二合一 潔面卸妝溫感凝膠 Algue Hot Cleansing Gel



二合一潔臉卸妝溫感凝膠含有超級銅藻提煉出來的精華素,有增加肌膚彈性和深層滋潤肌膚的功效。徹底清除污垢更能同時卸妝,清洗後帶有淡淡的玫瑰香氣,可治癒您的疲勞。因為無需重複洗臉,不會導致肌膚必要的保濕成分 (油分,蛋白質) 流失,能完美地鎖緊水分及緊緻肌膚,是乾性皮膚的首選產品。 容量 : 200mL x 一枝 使用方法 : 1. 把臉弄濕, 擠出5元硬幣大小的份量,然後將潔臉啫喱均勻塗於面上搓揉至變軟。 2. 輕按30秒使之融入肌膚,再用清水或溫水洗淨。為達到最佳效果,建議使用Algue銅藻系列完成護膚步驟 成分 : 甘油、PEG-7 甘油椰油酸酯、聚甘油-10 肉荳蔻酸酯、異戊酯二元醇、戊二醇、甘油三(乙基己酸)酯、二十酸二酸、甘油山嵛酸酯、硬酯酸聚甘油-6、(丙烯酸羥乙酯/丙烯酸鈉/丙烯酰二甲基牛磺酸鈉共聚物)共聚物、水、 角鯊烯、聚山梨醇酯60、銅藻精華素、加水分解膠原蛋白、加水分解彈力蛋白、香葉醇、1,2-己二醇、苯氧乙醇 *無添加合成香料、無礦物油、無添加乙醇、無添加石油界面活性劑、無添加對羟基苯甲酸酯* 超級銅藻的功效 加水分解彈性蛋白:可以對應皮膚變化的海洋性彈性蛋白, 增加肌膚彈性. 加水分解膠原蛋白:擁有3層螺旋構造, 海洋性膠原蛋白, 滋潤肌膚. Cleaning dry skin is not the same as cleaning oily skin. As such, you need to be using a cleanser which is unique to your skin type. Algue Hot Cleansing Gel is the perfect daily cleaner for dry skin. The formula is infused with algae to instantly hydrate and soften your skin. This gentle gel-based cleanser effectively removes dirt and toxins while leaving your skin feeling soft and remain firmness. How to use: Tie your hair back away from your face. Dampen your skin with lukewarm water. Apply a coin-sized amount of your chosen cleanser, work between your hands and apply to face. Massage into your skin. Rinse with lukewarm water or remove with our Muslin Cloth. Use a cotton pad to apply your chosen toner to dry, cleansed skin.

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