lluminesse® 沸石精華面膜 100g



lluminesse® Zeoilte Mask 一種全新且獨特的清潔產品,利用沸石的天然吸收和淨化能力。 這款全天然面膜深層清潔和排毒肌膚。 沸石濃縮物,膨潤土和高嶺土粘土共同作用,賦予面膜優異的吸收性能,從皮膚中吸取雜質。 A totally new and unique cleansing product utilising zeolite’s natural ability to absorb and purify. This all natural masque deeply cleanses and detoxifies the skin. The zeolite concentrate, the bentonite and kaolin clays, act together to give the masque exceptional absorbent qualities, drawing impurities out of the skin
